Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Christianity and Legalism

Thought for the day: If you're a company that's selling a product and another comes selling product with your label which is far inferior to your own. What's your chief concern? To out sell them by focusing on a positive campaign? Or is it rather to viciously attack the credibility of the impostor? Legalists are impostors who need to be exposed. They're Catholics hiding behind a protestant confession, maybe worse; they are spitting on the grace of God (albeit practically) by plowing ahead on their own. And the world will never buy a "gospel" that is characterized by human effort of will. Curse that "gospel."

Matthew LaPine

p.s. the title was supposed to be a not so veiled reference to Machen's Christianity and Liberalism, but I supposed most people reading this wouldn't get it so I thought I'd explain.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Battling Unbelief

One book that has greatly changed my perspective on the battle of sin has been Battling Unbelief by John Piper. It can be read as a book, or you can watch it as a DVD series and fill out a study guide. Let me encourage you to either purchase this or to find it and check it out. Whether you agree with Piper or not, this book of his has some good things to say and stirs up a lot of thought. In response to Joel... I do have these books or at least know someone who does...


Friday, March 14, 2008

Preaching the Cross

Matt recommended this book to me and it was very applicable. Anyone who is planning on having a preaching ministry of any kind can benefit from this book. Check it out!
