Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I'm a blogger?!?

Here goes nothing... I'm attempting to become a blogger, whatever that means.

Hopefully this blog can be somehow used to awaken the affections of the soul to its creator. I may end up being the only human to ever read these posts. If so, this can just function as an outlet for my thoughts, yet I would like to have interaction with others of you who have any desire whatsoever to see passion-driven, gospel-centered, culture-reaching Christianity among conservative circles! Please share what you've been learning, reading, or thinking!

1 comment:

Frank said...

I am really impressed by your blogging, and have just started doing it. If you see my site, you can tell I am very new at this. Like you, I desire to interact with passion-driven, gospel centered Christians too, and we both live in the same town. I have been trying to get people in my church to come with me and hit the streets to witness and share our faith. It's disheartening to see people line up to go paint-balling, and then when I ask for someone to come with me to go soul-winning...I hear crickets chirping and no one signs up. With my blogs I hope to reach people with the gospel, and challenge many to test everything they believe. If you have any ideas, or advice on blogging...please let me know. Thanks.